Why Kostroma
Kostroma is the greatest and the most convenient location possible if you want to film something really, really Russian.
It is a nice little town just 350 kilometers [217 miles] from Moscow, which makes the logistics fairly simple. Kostroma was founded over 800 years ago. It is full of ancient churches, convents and monasteries. One of them, the Ipatiev monastery, played a very important role in the history of Russia. Back in 1613, the first member of the Romanov family was proclaimed to be The Tsar of Russia.
The suburbs of Kostroma and the entire region is full of traditional Russian villages, looking exactly as they did decades ago.
Local authorities are one of the few ones in Russia, who really understand the importance of film and TV for the economy. You will face more than a warm welcome there.
Getting there
Once you reach Moscow, it is only a four-hour comfortable drive or a five-hour train to Kostroma.
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Selected TV Credits
The Amazing Race Australia Season 3 Episode 6
Two teams (Australia vs. New Zealand) searched through piles of matryoshka dolls and rode a dog sled in one of Russia's top tourist destinations.